Friday 10 March 2017

Basic Technology

It will be very good and useful for you to know about some basic terms related to HTML.
These terms are:
1. Tag
2. Element
3. Attribute

       Tag is a keyword to specify certain kind of formatting and display of the content. A tag is written within angle brackets opening angle brackets < and closing angle bracket >.
for example:

             Element represents one complete individual component. An element has three parts:
             1. a start tag
             2. a end tag
             3. content between start and end tags
for example:-
                <TITLE>MY First HTML document </TITLE>
here <TITLE> is start tag(opening tag),MY First document is content and </TITLE> end tag (closing tag)
It Means <TITLE> MY First HTML document </TITLE> is a title element.

                It allows us to add extra bit of information. Attributes appear inside the opening tag and have specific values which are written inside quotation marks.
for example:
               <html lang="en">
here attribute lang has value en and en means English language of document.

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