Wednesday 29 March 2017

Web Technologies to Develop WebSites

Web technology is a standard that allows you to develop web applications with the help of predefined set of classes, objects, methods, and properties available in a markup language, style sheet language or programming language.
It also provide an interface that allows the sharing of information between a web server and its clients.
A web server is a computer that store and hosts a website to make it available to its clients with the help of a specific URL link.
Using different web technologies you can create professional looking website you can also develop dynamic web pages, which allow users to update, edit, and format the text and upload or replace images, phots or videos without the help of web designer.
web technologies to develop websites are given as follows:-
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Extensible Markup Language(XML)
  • Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language(XHTML)
  • Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(AJAX)
  • Hyper Text Processor (PHP)
HTML:- HTML is a markup language commonly used to create web pages. A markup language provide a way to describe the structure of text and graphics on a web page.
It is derived from a more general markup language called Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) which is as ISO technology that defines markup languages.

HTML5:- Refers to the latest version of HTML, HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and attributes such as AUDIO, VIDEO and contentEditable, which allow you to create more interactive web applications and websites.

JavaScript:- JavaScript is a object oriented scripting language that is used to design interactive websites. It is developed by Netscape and works in all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari. web developer can use JavaScript with HTML code to add dynamic content to their websites. JavaScript is an interpreted language implying JavaScript requires an interpreter to execute its code.
JavaScript should not be confused with the Java programing language the JavaScript code runs on the browser only and the Java programming language runs in a virtual machine or browser.

CSS:- CSS is a style sheet language that is used to describe the appearance and formatting of a web document, which is written in a markup language.
A CSS style sheet consists of a list of rules, which in turn consists of one or more selector and a declaration block. selector are used to declare the markup elements to which a style applies to while a declaration block consists of a list of declarations in braces.
There are following version of CSS
  • CSS1 or CSS LEVEL1
  • CSS2 or CSS LEVEL2
  • CSS3 or CSS LEVEL3
XML:-XML is a markup language based on simple and platform-independent rules for processing and displaying textual information in a structured way.

XHTML:- XHTML is a standard markup language for designing web applications. It combines the features of HTML and  XML and considered as a restrictive subset of SGML.
XML is used to describe data while HTML is used to display data therefore their combination -XHTML is a much more powerful markup language than HTML.
XHTML defines various types of modules, such as text and Hyper Text.

AJAX:-AJAX is set of several technologies that help you to develop web applications with better user experience. it uses JavaScript and XML as the main technologies for developing interactive web applications.

ASP.NET:- ASP.NET is a web development model which is used to deliver interactive and data-driven web applications over the internet. It consists of a Large number of controls such as text boxes buttons and labels for assembling, configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages you can create ASP.NET application by using any common language Runtime (CLR) compliant language such as Visual Basic and Visual C#.

PHP:-  PHP is a Scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. it is an interpreted language that is executed on server side PHP can be embedded in html pages usually runs on a web server. it can be deployed on any web server, operating system or platform such as Windows, UNIX, and LINAX and supports various database such as MYSQL,Oracle, Informix, and sybase. A PHP code is executed through the PHP runtime and used to create dynamic web pages.
A PHP file has an extension of .php, .php3, .phtml.

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