Saturday 13 May 2017

div tag definition in CSS

<div> Tag: The HTML <div> tag is used for defining a Division or Section of the web page.with the help of div tag we can group large sections of HTML elements together and format them with CSS.

div {display:block;}
Above definition of div tag, define using in internal style sheet.

For Example: divide the web page in three section using div tag in css definition.

<title> Div tag definition </title>
div {
    display: block;color:red;width:100%;height:200px;background-color:green;
div1 {
    display: block;color:red;width:100%;height:200px;background-color:blue;}
    div2 {
    display: block;color:white;width:100%;height:200px;background-color:red;}
<div>this is a first section of web page using div tag.</div>

<div1>this is a second section of web page using div tag.</div1>
<div2>this is a third section of web page using div tag.</div2>

The Browser view of above web page:

In this Web Page we divide web page in three section first section have have background green, second section have background blue and third section is red.

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