Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Getting started with Python

While you may or may not know about a programming language called Python, it is definitely not young by any means. It is definitely not the oldest of the lot, but Python has been around for much longer than most people think or know. With its first release in the year 1991, this programming language has changed considerably over the years. but some things remain the same. For instance, you will still see it being used for similar tasks as it was being used almost 25 year ago.

This is possibly one of the primary reasons why Python has become so popular even in recent times. It is a production-based-language which is meant for first class projects and enterprise. It also boasts of a rich history.

This in turn means that it can be used for almost anything which makes it one of the most versatile languages out there. Whether you want to configure servers, run scripts for desktop programs or build applications, Python can be your go-to language.

Python one of the most popular dynamic programming languages that is in use today. It is an open-source and object-oriented programming language which was developed by Dutchman Guido van Possum back in the 1980s and was named after Monty Python. Given the elegance and simplicity of this language,

Top tech organizations like Google, Quora, Dropbox, Mozilla, Qualcomm, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, as well as Cisco swear by Python. 

What is Python?
Python is best described as general purpose programming language. It has been used by thousands of people to perform a wide range of tasks from testing microchips at a company like Intel or powering up Instagram as we know it today or even building video games with the famed PyGame library. The best thing perhaps about Python is its resemblance language. And one of its biggest advantages are the hundreds of existent third-party libraries.

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